Dr. Nurwin F. Rajab
Director Quality Assurance & Management System
E-mail: nfozia@kafu.ac.ke
Full CV
- About the Directorate
- Quality Policy Statement
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- Events
The Directorate of Quality Assurance and Quality Management Systems in Kaimosi Friends University (KAFU)” The fountain of knowledge “is to promote, maintain and improve relevance, efficiency, leadership and students’ progress by self and external assessments. Based on the forgoing, the University exceedingly works towards quality pedagogical practices across all the four (4) Schools in KAFU by ensuring that both staff and students support high-quality inclusive teaching and learning.
Kenya’s vision 2030, outlines education as one of its central pillars, hence the quality of University education in Kenya becomes critical and of paramount importance towards the attainment of this vision. Against this backdrop, KAFU considers provision of quality education as a major strategy towards prosperity. Phenomenally, as a developing nation, the quality of higher education in Kenya becomes critical for its socio – economic growth. Agreeably in KAFU, Quality is critical to satisfying our customers and retaining their loyalty for future partnerships as alumnus, development partners as well as our stakeholders. Notably within the directorate of QA & QMS in KAFU we peg our day to day operations on the principle that Quality is a key differentiator in a crowded market of universities in Kenya and perhaps to be precise and accurate seventy-seven (77) in number (Including public and private universities).
The main objectives of this directorate are as follows:
- Provide guidance in the development and implementation of internal and external academic quality assurance procedures and practices;
- Ensure that the quality of academic programmes at the University meet standards expected by stakeholders
- Ensure that graduates who have undertaken academic programmes in the University have attained knowledge, competencies and skills that are valued by stakeholders;
- Enable the University to assure itself, its stakeholders and the Commission for University Education (CUE) that the University polices, systems and processes for the development, maintenance and enhancement of quality in all its educational provisions are functioning effectively and efficiently;
- Facilitate development of a culture of continuous quality improvement in the University in order to achieve academic excellence.
The directorate has two intertwined functions and roles which are (i) Quality Assurance (QA) and (ii) Quality Management Systems (QMS). To put clarity on these two functions (QA & QMS): Quality assurance (QA) main purpose is to focus on continual pedagogical improvement. Prominently, QA focuses on meeting Academic Standards. On the other hand, QMS is based on a generic ISO 9001:2015 standard which is a badge of international relevance and recognition supports Academic and Non-Academic Functions within the University in meeting customer satisfaction. Directorate of Quality Assurance and Quality management systems coordinate these two functions centrally as well as providing schools, sections, departments and units within KAFU with professional support in their perpetual process of self-evaluation and improvement.
As envisaged in Vision 2030, one of the pillars of this vision is education. Hence quality in university education isn’t just about offering a product or service that exceeds the standard, but it is also about the reputation KAFU gains for consistently delivering a teaching / learning experience that is “above and beyond. Imperatively, managing quality in the education system in general is considered crucial. Kaimosi Friends University has made clear her intention on quality through its mission statement: “To Provide Quality University education through innovative teaching, research and consultancy services for development.”
KAFU Conducts Continuous Staff Awareness Quality Assurance Management Systems Programme
Kaimosi Friends University (KAFU) conducted a one-day rigorous Quality Assurance Management Systems (QAMS) continuous awareness program for all staff members on Thursday 3, October, 2024 at the University’s Assembly Hall......Readmore