Income Generating Unit

Welcome to KAFU farm sales


Ms. Millicent Othieno
In-charge, IGU

The Income Generating Unit (IGU) serves as the revenue generation arm of Kaimosi Friends University. Its primary purpose is to enhance and sustain university operations, especially in light of reduced government budget allocations. The IGU focuses on food security enhancement through various agricultural initiatives, collaborating closely with the County Government, the Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO), and the Kenya Seed Company to share and implement agricultural knowledge at the grassroots level


Crop Production
1. Olericulture (Vegetable Farming)
Kaimosi Farm cultivates a variety of vegetables for both internal consumption and external markets. These include:
  • Sukuma Wiki (Kales)
  • Spring Onions
  • Indigenous vegetables (such as spider plant, black nightshade, amaranthus, cow peas, and Ethiopian kales). Seeds and seedlings of these vegetables are available for purchase at an affordable price.
2. Pomoculture (Fruit Farming)
The university farm grows several fruit crops, including:
  • Bananas (both green and ripening varieties, both exotic and indigenous)
  • Watermelon (farmers from the county can visit the farm for training on suitable varieties based on the local agro-ecological zone, planting seasons, and husbandry practices).
3. Root Crop Production
This category includes arrowroots (both upland and lowland), cassava, and sweet potatoes.
4. Pastures and Fodders
These crops serve as animal feed for dairy animals.
  • Hay is grown primarily as dry matter for dairy animals. The IGU offers training on planting, management, harvesting, and baling services.
  • Bracken Fern (Brackeria): Used as a protein feed for animals.
  • Sweet Potatoes: Established either as a protein supplement (vines) or for human consumption (root crops).
  • Napier Grass: Different varieties are produced, including the superior napier variety (Ouma), sourced from Kalro Kakamega. It serves as green fodder and can also be ensiled.
  • Silage maize is essential for milk stimulation in animals during dry spells.
5. Cereal Crops
Maize is the main cereal crop grown on the university farm. The current yield of 120 bags from 7 acres is impressive, especially considering the average maize yield in Vihiga County is 15 bags per acre.
Livestock Production
1. Poultry
  • The farm maintains approximately 500 birds, focusing on improved kienyeji (local) breeds. These birds are adaptable for both meat and egg production.
  • The department produces about 200 trays of fertilized eggs per month, which are sold both internally and externally.
  • Plans are underway to introduce a hatchery with a capacity of at least 3000 chicks.
2. Dairy Animals
  • The dairy section started in 2018 with three animals sourced from ADC Kitale.
  • Currently, the farm houses 32 animals across different categories in a modern cow barn.
  • Lactating animals provide approximately 100 liters of milk per day, while mature bulls are used for meat.
  • Young bulls and heifers are also available at an affordable cost.
3. Apiary
  • The IGU has invested in constructing a modern apiary capable of accommodating at least 25 hives, with plans for 100 more.


The IGU aims to increase the number of dairy animals and establish a value addition processor at the University. The farm has mentored numerous students on attachment and internship from various institutions in Kenya, as well as local farmers who visit for training and products.

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