Message from the Games and Sports Department
The KAFUCO Games department was started in September 2014 when the University started. Since then the department has witnessed tremendous growth in the number of Games and Sports offered to students.
The department aims at developing all rounded students by offering them competitions on Intra Mural level and exposing them outside to Extra Mural activities.
The benefits are enumerous generally to the students and the University since all parties are getting marketed in the ever increasing competitive world. The department has seen growth in new sports being brought on board such as Freesbie that is seriously catching the attention of students and staff at large.
The major challenge for the department is the limited number of facilities against the ever increasing number of students. Equally funding is limited and therefore very few exposures to the teams is experinced.
We are hoping that an improved Government capitation will go along way in making this department the pillar of University growth.
Some of the sports and games offered in KAFUCO include: Basketball, Hockey, Soccer, Tennis, Handball, Netball, Freesbee, Indoor games like scribble, chess, darts,..., Athletics and cross country, Martial arts which consists of taekwondo and karate, Swimming, Rugby, Weightlifting, Dancing, TableTennis
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