The functions of the Management Board shall include assisting the Vice Chancellor in the day to day management of the University and shall, in this respect, be responsible for-
(a) The efficient management of the human, physical and financial resources of the University;
(b) Making proposals to the Council and the senate on policies that have application across the entire institution;
(c) Coordination of the University strategic development plans; and
(d) Any other matters related to the management of the University.
Prof. Peter N. Mwita.
[BSc Hons, MAppStats, Ph.D.]
Ag. Vice Chancellor – Chairman.
Prof Julius Kipkemboi
Ag. DVC (Academic, Student Affairs & Research)
Dr. Patrick A. Mugesani
Deputy Registrar(Administration).
Dr. Jane Amunga
Senior Registrar (Academic & Student Affairs)
Dr. Nurwin F. Rajab.
Irine Nanzala Lumatete, CPA, CS.
Finance Officer.
Dr. Dinah Were
Acting Dean of Students.