Dr. George T. opande
PhD(Maseno), Msc(Bhopal), Bsc(Jabalpur).
Dean, School of Science
Senior Lecturer
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Dr. George Timothy Opande is an experienced research scientist, educationist, a DAAD Scholar who holds a BSc (Jabalpur), MSc (Bhopoal) and PhD (Maseno). His area of specialization is “Plant pathology (Phytopathogens of Eichhornia crassipes and aquatic & invasive plants in the Winam gulf (Lake Victoria)” from Maseno University. He has over 31 years’ teaching and research experience where he held several administrative positions both in Maseno University and Kaimosi Friends University. He has won several research grants together with other scientists; NRF, Ministry of Fisheries, Marine Resources and Agriculture (Maldives), African German Network of Excellence in Science (AGNES), through the “Program Advocating Women in Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics and OWSD PG Fellowships funded by UNESCO among others. He is currently the Dean, School of science which consists of more than 3 departments namely; Biology & agricultural sciences, Physical sciences and mathematics & statistics.


  1. Opande GT., Onyango JC. and Wagai SO., (2004); “The water hyacinth(Eichhornia crassipes [Mart.] Solms.), its socio-economic effects, control measures and resurgence in the Winam gulf”; In Limnologica 34 pp 105109 (2004).

  2. Opande GT., Were OJ. and Arama P. (2013); “Use of soil streptomycetes from Maseno (Kenya) to inhibit growth of Pyricularia grisea invitro cultures”, In; Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary science; 6 (1) pp 1-3 (2013). E-ISSN: 2319-2380, P-ISSN: 2319-2372

  3. Okach DO., Opande GT. and Nyunja AR., (2013), “Phytochemical screening of medicinal Lamiaceae and their role in traditional medicine in Uriri District (Kenya)”. In; International journal of herbal medicine 1 (6) pp 135-143 (2013) ISSN 2321-2187

  4. Opande GT., Mutebi C. and Arama PF., (2013), “Innundative biocontrol of water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solm. Laubach) using zonate leaf spot (Acremonium zonatum Sawada Gams) fungal agent”. In; Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary sciences; 6 (3) pp 69-71 (2013) E-ISSN:2319-2380 P-ISSN: 2319-2372 DOI 10.9790/2380-0636971
    Mutebi CM, Arama PF., Opande GT. and Buyela D. (2014); “Reviewing the sustainable management of water hyacinth in Lake Victoria, Kenya” Maseno University Journal; 1 pp 238-244(2015)

  5. Nyang’anga HT, Okelo WO, Mugivane FI, Mande JD and Opande GT.(2015); “ Extension officers requirements in an artificial intelligent system for diagnosis of maize disease, Kenya” In; Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary sciences; 8 (10) Ver. II (Oct 2015) pp 13-19 E-ISSN: 2319-2380 P-ISSN: 2319-2372

  6. Nyang’anga HT, Okelo WO, Mugivane FL., Mande JD. and Opande GT (2015); “Farmers requirements in an artificial intelligent system for diagnosis of maize diseases, Kenya” In; Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary sciences; 8 (10) Ver. II (Oct 2015) pp 20-31 E-ISSN: 23192380 P-ISSN: 2319-2372

  7. Opande GT, Musyimi DM, Cherono KL, Jiveri BK. and Buyela DK. (2017):“Antimicrobial activities of crude leaf extract of Solanum nigrum on Fusarium oxysporum and Pseudomonas syringae cultures in Maseno (Kenya). In; Journal of Asian scientific research 7(7) pp 271-278 ISSN:2223-1331(p) ISSN: 2226-5724

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