Dr. Felix O. Saouma
PhD(State University of Newyork, USA),  Bsc(KU).
CoD, Physical Sciences
Physics Lecturer
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Research Interest

Highly skilled in nonlinear optical characterization of semiconductor materials using tunable laser system and optical spectroscopic techniques. I have been productively involved in cutting edge research opportunities and in turn contributed immensely in the characterization of nonlinear optical properties of novel materials. My current research interest spans across;

  • Computational study of electronic structure properties of novel nonlinear optical materials using Density Functional Theory.
  • Nonlinear optical properties of emerging perovskite solar cell materials.
  • Nonlinear optical responses of chalcogenides and multiferroic materials in the mid-infrared (IR) frequencies.


  1. “Crystal structure and second harmonic generation in Bi2TeO5: An X-N study from synchrotron and neutron diffraction data”, C. A. Lopez, E. Baati, M. T. Fernandez-Diaz, F. O. Saouma, J. I. Jang, J. A. Alonso, Journal of Solid State Chemistry In Press, Accepted Manuscript (2019).
  2. “Phase transitions of formamidinium lead iodide perovskite under pressure”, S. Jiang, Y. Luan, J.I. Jang, T. Baikie, X. Huang, R. Li, F. O. Saouma, Z. Wang, T. J. White, and J. Fang, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 140, 13952 (2018).
  3. “Structural and spectroscopic properties of the polar antiferromagnet Ni2MnTeO6”, M. Retuerto, S. Skiadopouou, F. Borodavka, C. Kadlec, F. Kadlec, J. Prokleska, Z. Deng, J. A. Alonso, M. T. Fernandez-Diaz, F. O. Saouma, J. I. Jang, D. Legut, S. Kamba, and M. Greenblatt, Phys. Rev. B. 97, 144418 (2018).
  4. “Selective enhancement of optical nonlinearity in two-dimensional organic-inorganic lead iodide perovskites”, F. O. Saouma, C. C. Stoumpos, J. Wong, M. G. Kanatzidis, and J. I. Jang, Nat. Com. 8, 742 (2017).
  5. “Multiphoton absorption order of CsPbBr3 as determined by wavelength-dependent nonlinear optical spectroscopy”, F. O. Saouma, C. C. Stoumpos, M. G. Kanatzidis, Y. S. Kim, and J. I. Jang, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 8, 4912 (2017).


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