prof mwita

 Prof.  Peter N. Mwita took over the leadership mantle of Kaimosi Friends University on February 19th, 2024 in the capacity of Acting Vice-Chancellor. In his speech during the 3rd Graduation ceremony held on 29th November 2024, it was easy to discern his performance and his vision for the University. This brief presents the milestones that the University has made during the period of his leadership and ways forward as the University moves into the future:

  • General Governance and Leadership
  • Academic Matters
  • Research, Innovation and Outreach
  • Infrastructure



Leveraging on support and directions from the University Council, several governance and leadership instruments have been developed or reviewed, approved and currently under implementation. This include the following:

a. Leadership Instruments

        (i)University Vision

In order to move the University into global arena, during the period covered by the brief, a deliberate move was made to review the University’s Vision to realize the desire of Kaimosi Friends University achieving world-class status.  In this regard, the University has taken on a new vision, changing from “A centre of excellence in teaching, innovation and holistic development” to “A world Class University of Excellence in Teaching, Research and Community Service.”   This change is an incubation to position our University as an international actor, in combating societal challenges.

     (ii)Strategic Plan 2023-2027

The University launched its first Strategic Plan, Strategic Plan 2023-2027 on 26th June, 2024.  The production of this plan considered the changing strategic context facing Kaimosi Friends University since its inception as a Constituent College of Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology, through its becoming fully fledged following the award of Charter on 2nd August, 2022 and with focus to the future. The Plan further takes into account the priority areas of University Education as articulated by the Government and more so, the Bottom-Up Economic Transformation Agenda.

This Strategic Plan is set in an environment where University education in Kenya is going through significant transformation and change. Given the ever-changing landscape, the University will remain agile within the framework of this Strategic Plan during the period of its implementation. The University will continually look to grasp opportunities that arise to develop a reputation for excellence, both locally and internationally. In this regard, the Strategic Plan takes into account a raft of issues that have potential to impact on University education among them: climate change; internationalization and the utilization of the widening digital space. This calls for immediate reforms as envisaged in the Plan, among them; a shift towards more student-centred learning, fostering interdisciplinary studies, promoting digital literacy and technology integration, and enhancing internationalization to produce graduates with the necessary skills, knowledge, and critical thinking abilities to contribute to socio-economic development.

Our Strategic Plan is cognizant of the observation that Kenyan Universities emphasize teaching at the expense of research and innovation, which weakens linkages between the content of teaching and the uptake of research findings. Against this backdrop, Kaimosi Friends University has come up with strategies to raise our research and innovation outputs through development of infrastructure, staff capacity building and strong partnerships and collaborations both with the industry and peer institutions.

The Strategic Plan 2023-2027 therefore provides directional leadership upon which the legacy of the University is anchored.

        (iii)Financial Year 2024/2025 Performance Contract

The University has set performance targets for the Financial Year 2024/2025 and the same has been cascaded down to all University officers and relevant staff for implementation. Achievement of these targets is important to enabling the University to contribute to the societal aspirations towards sustainable development.

b. Governance Instruments

The University remains steadfast in developing forward-thinking policies to guide our operations and achieve our performance targets. Notably, the Council has approved the reviewed Statutes, ensuring compliance with the Universities Act (2012). These statutes, along with our Charter, serve as key governance instruments for the University's daily operations.

In line with Section 35 of the Act, the Council recently approved several critical documents, including Strategic Plan for 2023–2027. Additionally, we have adopted essential human resource instruments, such as the Human Resource Policy and Manual and the Staff Establishment Plan. Other several policies have been approved to assist in governance.

To attract and retain highly qualified personnel, the Council has approved a competitive Scheme of Service. Additionally, we remain committed to continuous staff training and capacity-building initiatives to ensure effective service delivery and professional growth.


a.) Academic Programmes

The relevance of academic programmes offered in our Universities remains behooving and rattling  issue. It has been observed that the mismatch between skills and market needs has resulted in a large number of unemployed graduates. In addition, the expansion of University education has led to Universities offering similar courses and academic programs, leading to the overproduction of graduates in areas of study not being accompanied by specialization and niches. At Kaimosi Friends University, it is now underscored that the way forward is solution-based teaching and training; research and innovation; and community service. This move when fully embraced will see the Kaimosi Friends University emerge as a key player both in academia and industry.

At the moment, the University has five schools, offering 43 Academic Programmes approved by Commission for University Education, with an enrolment of 6721 students. We are continuing to review our programmes to align them with the Competency Based Curriculum as we prepare to receive the first cohort in the year 2029; this is besides reviewing them to ensure that they are desired and relevant to market needs.

b.) University Niche and Infrastructural Support

The University has its niche in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) with a bias in the field of Health Sciences. Already, the University has started investing in Basic Sciences and Health Sciences with the construction of the following underway:

  1. Anatomy laboratory;
  2. Physiology laboratory;
  3. Optometry laboratory
  4. Optometry workshop

Besides the above, the University is building an ultra-modern library which will be adequately equipped with teaching and learning materials upon completion. The Curriculum for Clinical Medicine is already underway, paving the way for the introduction of Medicine and Surgery programs. 

 c.)3rd Graduation Ceremony

It is pleasing to note that the University held 3rd Graduation Ceremony on 29th November, 2024 with a total of 896 graduands from the following four out of our five schools:

  • School of Business and Economics with 77 graduands,
  • School of Computing and Information Technology with 28 graduands;
  • School of Science with 58 Graduands, and
  • School of Education and Social Sciences with 733 Graduands.

Our fifth School, that is, the School of Health Sciences did not graduate students as pioneer students are in their fourth year.

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During the period under this report, our students excelled in various co-curricular activities besides their academics:

  1. In sports and Games our Freesbie Team represented Kenya during the East Africa competitions held in Kampala Uganda from 21st -22nd September, 2024. The team emerged the best, hence they are East Africa Champions. Following this good performance, one of our students, Nelson Samba, who was the best player, got a fully funded sports scholarship to study at Davenport University in Michigan, the United States of America. Further, our students featured favourably in several inter University sports and games.
  1. Drama and Music clubs participated in the national competitions, in which our University Student Band emerged National Champions.
  1. Students continue to be involved in the University leadership through the Student Governing Council. The welfare of the students both academic and non-academic is at the full embrace of the University Management. This has seen the University carry out its core business without any threats of student unrest. The office of the Dean of Students carries out all welfare matters for students and it shall be strengthened to deliver on this mandate.


To facilitate research, innovation and outreach, the Council has approved budgetary requests and supported the implementation of the University’s research and innovation agenda.

  1. Research and Publications: In research, we have five externally funded new projects valued at KES. 24 Million, and this is expected to grow significantly, as more focus is put in research activities at the University, considering that this is an important pillar for academic excellence. With regard to publications, appropriate measures have been put in place to ensure increase in the number of publications in reputable journals.Along these lines, we hosted our 2nd Annual Conference in May this year, from which, 65 research papers were generated. This Academic Year the University has supported 15 members of staff to attend and present papers in international conferences. Furthermore, one of our staff members; Dr. Victor Shikuku who is a lecturer in the Department of physical Sciences was honored with the prestigious National Outstanding Research Award in the Young Researcher Category at the inaugural Kenya National Research Fund. In order to promote research and increase outputs, the University is gradually increasing budget for research. In the current 2024/2025, the research budget stands at KES.8, 000,000, representing 0.83% of our total operational budget of KES.1, 081, 365,923, up from 0.28% in the Financial Year, 2023/2024 which had an operational budget of KES.705, 660,246.
  2. Innovation: In order to stimulate innovation facets both among our students, staff and the neighborhoods, the University is set to start holding Annual Innovation Week, with the 1st one scheduled to take place in March, 2025. On innovation outputs, two of our staff, Dr. Remmy Shiundu and Mr. Bonface Jiveri were supported and managed to patent an innovation titled “Sustainable Production and Delivey of Biodegradable Sanitary Pads.” These are made from sugarcane bagasse and other ingredients. In addition, another innovation by Dr. Shiundu and Mr. Jiveri on Biogel won KES. 25 Million from Bioinnovate Africa towards branding of the product. This innovation is focused on the production of a cost effective and environmentally friendly cooking fuel. Branding will start once funds are received.
  3. Outreach and Community Service: Community Service is a key area of excellence for our University. In this regard the University has in place strategic partnerships to enable the sharing and transfer of knowledge and technology solutions to the communities we serve. I am happy to report the following:
  1. Kaimosi Friends University, the East Africa Yearly Meeting Friends Church Kaimosi and Number One Wood Company (China) have established a partnership that has resulted in the establishment of a plywood processing plant within the Kaimosi Complex. The University played a crucial role of linking Number One Wood Company with the Friends Church as part of her community service engagement. This Plant, on completion, will contribute to economic well-being of the community. The University on her part will enhance her research and innovation infrastructure besides supporting general teaching and learning.

  2. The University is in the forefront of promoting of cultural and social life of our society as one of the objectives of University Education in Kenya under the Universities Act, 2012. In this regard, Kaimosi Friends University, members of the University's neighboring communities, Friends Church leadership, and local leaders enthusiastically endorsed the establishment of a Cultural Preservation and Research Center within the University premises. This initiative signifies a collective dedication to safeguarding cultural identity, preserving the environment especially the replacement of the extinct flora and fauna, besides promoting scholarly inquiry into local traditions.

  3. Kaimosi Friends University through the School of Health Sciences has continued committing herself to community service and practical education by organizing a series of eye screening camps throughout Vihiga County. Beginning this year, every July and August of every year, the University will be providing vital eye care services to a broad spectrum of residents of Vihiga County and the country at large.

  4. The University has cemented a partnership with Vihiga County Teaching and Referral Hospital towards improving the provision of healthcare services through capacity building, research that generates new knowledge as well as innovative approaches and technologies in healthcare.

  5. We have signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Vihiga County Teaching and Research Hospital to support the infrastructural needs of our School of Health Sciences. Furthermore, in collaboration with the County Government, we have established the Centre of Excellence for Climate Action and Research, addressing the pressing challenges posed by climate change. The launch of the Centre was presided over by H.E. the Governor of Vihiga County.

The University has further built solid partnerships with the local communities and other actors to realize its Vision and Mission. These partnerships include:

  1. The East Africa Yearly Meeting Friends Church Kaimosi.
  2. The Tiriki Elders, local administration and business community;
  3. Leadership of Hamisi Constituency CDF and that of Muhudu Ward Fund.
  4. Members of National and County Assemblies of this County.
  5. The County Government of Vihiga County, led by Hon. Dr. Wilber Ottichilo for supporting our teaching and research infrastructure,

These partnerships enable us to enrich the student learning experience while fostering impactful research and innovation. Moving forward, we will continue building such collaborations to strengthen our resource base and expand our contribution to society.


The University is alive to the effect that the Government Economic Recovery Agenda is anchored on the Bottom-up Economic Transformation. This is geared towards driving economic turnaround and inclusive growth, with priority sectors being, Agriculture; Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise (MSME); Housing and Settlement; Healthcare; Digital Superhighway and Creative Economy. Kaimosi Friends continues to support this Agenda as contained in our Strategic Plan 2023-2027. Particularly:

  1. Through our School of Health Sciences, we are not only developing human resource, but also offering healthcare services through medical camps and strategic partnerships for best practices. This will in the long run ensure access to healthcare, which in turn leads to healthy working populations for the rest of the economic sectors.
  2. In Agriculture, the University is investing in her agricultural farm to achieve a level of being a demonstration centre of excellence and best practices in Agriculture. We are also revitalizing our academic programmes in agri-business to harness opportunities in the marketing and selling of agricultural produce to support farmers in getting value for their agricultural produce.
  3. Innovation: Starting the Year 2025, the University will be holding Innovation Week and take part in other innovation showcasing forum with intention to incubate and actualize innovations and technology transfer to the communities we serve. Our innovations on Biogel will produce environmentally friendly energy thereby supporting efforts to combat climate change, while Biopads will support healthcare for women. The University will continue to support innovations in various sectors of the economy, among them: Climate Change, Water, Agriculture, health, to mention but a few.
  4. On Digital Superhighway and Creative Economy: Our Strategic Plan 2023-2027 takes into account the utilization of the widening digital space. Through this, the University is reforming her programmes and ICT infrastructure towards promoting digital literacy and mainstreaming in her programmes.


The areas discussed from Section 2 to 6 above have laid a foundation upon which Kaimosi Friends University performance direction is anchored. What is now needed is full implementation towards actualization, which calls for strategic leadership and governance. This has the import of transformative approaches in the running the University, a domain which we have fully set for the University from now into the future.  The following are areas of focus:

1. Embracing the University’s New Vision

Under the new vision, the University is set to have a niche in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) with a bias in the field of Health Sciences. The University is actively developing the School of Health Sciences with a focus on establishing a dynamic research centre. With a focus on strategic planning, infrastructure development, investment in health sciences and a commitment to faculty and student success, the University is poised for a bright future.

Embracing this new Vision calls for strategic change in the leadership priorities of the University to underscore the foundations of a world class University. This has six pathways for Kaimosi Friends University in realizing World Class status envisaged in the new Vision (A world Class University of Excellence in Teaching, Research and Community Service):  

a.)Sound Management of student affairs: Priority is on the following:

  1. The balance between academics, co-curricular activities and student leadership.
  2. Deeper insights and articulation of student needs and their responsibilities
  3. A friendly learning environment for student’s void of substance abuse and responsible social life.
  4. Focused student leadership
  5. Knowledge and awareness of student support programmes

b.)Vision aligned Academic Programmes: There is a deliberate move to review current academic programmes to match those of world class universities. The University is now developing new academic programmes that are need focused to enhance its niche

c.) Professionalism in Service Delivery: The new Vision, “A world class university of excellence in teaching, research and community service” informs our core values: Accountability, customer focus, excellence, equity, professionalism, teamwork, and friendship. This now cuts across all University initiatives and aspirations. Professionalism is now the foundation of the University’s best practices.

d.) Best Human Resource Management Practices: The University is creating a human resource environment that is conducive for staff productivity and general mainstreaming, thereby resulting into attraction, mentorship and retention of the best quality of human resource to deliver the new vision.

e.) Prudent resource mobilization and management: This lays demand upon all members and stakeholders to be responsible and exercise ethics of care. For example we have to embrace best financial practices, maintain our infrastructure to be to the best standards, exercise prudent use.

f.) Internalization of values and virtues: Virtues are good manners, the foundation of our customary practices. Values are foundation of choices. Together values and virtues define our character, hence character virtues. Moving into a world class university lays demand on all stakeholders to embrace our core values and assimilate them so that they become holistic character virtues of KAFU.

 2.Implementation of Strategic Plan 2023-2027

The focus here is to deliver the Key Results Areas (KRA) and Strategic Objectives of KAFU Strategic Plan 2023-2027 as below:

KRA 1: Enhanced Academic Excellence, Access to Quality Education and Student Engagement.

Strategic Objective

  1. Promote access to Quality Education
  2. Promote Internationalization of Education
  3. Promote Academic Excellence
  4. Enhance Quality Assurance and relevance

KRA 2: Improved Physical and ICT Infrastructure

Strategic Objective

  1. Develop and Maintain Physical Infrastructure
  2. Develop and Enhance ICT Infrastructure and Services

KRA 3: Increased Research, Innovation, Outreach, Partnerships and Linkages Output

Strategic Objective

  1. To promote quality research
  2. Promote Innovation and Technology Transfer
  3. Develop outreach programs
  4. Establish collaborations and partnerships

KRA 4: Enhanced Institutional Resources and Governance

Strategic Objective

  1. To attract and retain an engaged workforce
  2. To be a financially sustainable UniversityEnhance efficiency and effectiveness in Governance

KRA 5: Sustainable Environmental Management and Climate Change

Strategic Objective:

  1. Enhance environmental Conservation and waste management.
  2. Promotion of climate change resilient strategies.

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