Dr. Tom M. Nyagwoka
PhD(MMUST), M.A(Andrews University, USA), BA(GUGEMA).
CoD, Social Sciences 
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  1. Dr. Tom Mong’are Nyagwoka [2017] (Vol. 5(4) pp. 046-055, April, 2017). Strategies of reclaiming and retaining lapsed members from among the Seventh –Day Adventists Church at Borabu Sub-County, Kenya Merit Research Journal of Education and Review (ISSN: 2350-2282) Available online Copyright © 2017 Merit Research Journals Merit Research Journal of Education and Review (ISSN: 2350-2282) Available online Copyright © 2017 Merit Research Journals
  2. Dr. Tom Mong’are Nyagwoka (2016). The paradox of peace on the Seventh Day Adventist Church’s doctrinal teachings at Borabu Border, Nyamira County – Kenya :Merit Research Journals- ISSN: 2350-2282) Vol. 4(11) pp. 152-157, November, 2016 Available online - Copyright © 2016 Merit Research Journals
  3. Dr. Tom Mong’are Nyagwoka (2016). Causes for the Backsliding of the New Converts from among the Seventh Day Adventists church at Nyamira County- Kenya . Merit Research Journal of Education and Review (ISSN: 2350-2282) Vol. 4(12) pp. 168-174, December, 2016 Available online Copyright © 2016
  4. Dr. Tom Mong’are Nyagwoka (2016). “Mitigation Efforts of the Seventh-day Adventist Church to the 2007/8 Borabu border violence”, given at the Kabarak International Conference held on the 15th-18th July 2014. Kabark University where it was presented: Volume 4 Number 1 (2016) ISSN 2305-784X (print) ISSN 2410-8383 (online)
  5. Dr.Tom Mongare Nyagwoka (2015). ‘Applicability of the Adventist Church philosophy of Holistic Education in Enhancing Vision 2030 and Beyond”- Journal of Modern Education Review Academic Star Publishing Company-ISSN 2155-7993: Vol 5, NO 11. Pp83-96. New York-US Accepted, and published on January 2015.
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